Collection: Japonsko

Všechny cesty vedou do … Japonska! Aby ne, Japonsko má vše - nádhernou přírodu, vynikající gastronomii, tradiční umění, krásná auta, rychlé vlaky i autory nezapomenutelných povídek. A to všechno najdete přímo tady.


Showing 39 of 39 products



Showing 39 of 39 products

Showing 39 of 39 products
  • Views from Japan
    Ben Richards is a travel and architectural photographer based in Tokyo. Over five years, Ben has travelled extensivel...
    Běžná cena
    1 290 Kč
    1 290 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Než vystydne káva - Tošikazu Kawaguči
    Pokud byste měli možnost vrátit se zpět v minulosti, využili byste ji? Malá japonská kavárna Funiculi funicula ukrývá...
    Běžná cena
    369 Kč
    369 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Japonské mýty a legendy
    Vypravte se na pouť dávnými věky, od mýtů o stvoření Japonska, buddhistických pohádek a šintoistických legend obývaný...
    Běžná cena
    399 Kč
    399 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Goodnight Tokyo - Atsuhiro Yoshida
    Set in the early hours of the morning in and around Tokyo, this ingeniously constructed English language debut is an ...
    Běžná cena
    339 Kč
    339 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Kiku, Japanese Art of Good Listening - Haru Yamada
    Listening connects us to others and the world around us. Learn how to harness its power in this life-changing new bo...
    Běžná cena
    529 Kč
    529 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • The Chibineko Kitchen - Yuta Takahashi
    For fans of WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS IN THE LIBRARY and BEFORE THE COFFEE GETS COLD, discover the irresistibly up...
    Běžná cena
    349 Kč
    349 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Japan 1900. A Portrait in Color
    The Golden Age of Travel neatly overlaps with the reign of the Emperor Meiji, which began in 1868 with the overthrow ...
    Běžná cena
    1 990 Kč
    1 990 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Contemporary Japanese Architecture. 40th Anniversary Edition
      Since Osaka World Expo ’70 brought contemporary forms center stage, Japan has been a key player in global architect...
    Běžná cena
    749 Kč
    749 Kč
    Běžná cena
    0 Kč
  • Living in Japan. 40th Anniversary Edition
    Japanese homes are refuges of tranquility, crafted in a unique domestic aesthetic of Eastern minimalism. Traditional ...
    Běžná cena
    749 Kč
    749 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Sake, The Art and Craft of Japan's National Drink
    The definitive book on Japan’s national drink, this visually stunning celebration of the culture, craft, and history ...
    Běžná cena
    1 590 Kč
    1 590 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • 40 Japanese Woodblock Prints
    The Japanese woodblock print is a phenomenon with no Western equivalent. Breathtaking landscapes exist alongside blus...
    Běžná cena
    749 Kč
    749 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Sushi Shokunin : Japan's Culinary Masters
    In Japan, cooking often bears aesthetic value, and the making of sushi is exalted as one of the finest culinary craft...
    Běžná cena
    2 690 Kč
    2 690 Kč
    Běžná cena

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