If I had a unicorn

Běžná cena
239 Kč
239 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

A boardbook edition of this magical book in the award-winning If I had a... series.

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to have a unicorn for a pet? Besides being much less angry than a troll and far more conveniently sized than a giant, unicorns only ever eat ice-cream for breakfast AND... every time you get upset they feed you candyfloss!

In this humorous, energetically rhyming tale, a little girl experiences exactly what life would be like with a magical creature for a pet – from sprinkling stardust on grumpy parents to sliding into football practice on a rainbow. This book celebrates the magic of unicorns in a way that will appeal to children who are allergic to pink.


'Vibrant illustrations in bold colours reflect both the real and fantasy worlds and characters of differing ethnicities, as well as the gentle humour of the text' - Book Trust

'Thoroughly charming and truly magical ... a winning addition to a sparkling series' - Waterstones

'Absolutely brilliant, with wonderful illustrations and the most gorgeous endpapers you’ve ever seen' - @childrensbookshoplondon

'My class adored this book and it really made them giggle .. the perfect book for little ones and to make you smile' - @booksandbeyondbookclub

About the Author

Gabby Dawnay is a writer and poet. She is a regular contributor to OKIDO magazine and a script-writer for children’s television. Alex Barrow is a London-based illustrator. He is the art director for and a regular contributor to OKIDO magazine. Alex and Gabby are the duo behind the bestselling children’s series If I had a..., as well as A Song for Bear, all published by Thames & Hudson.


Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 28
Formát: 19,1 x 17,8 cm

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If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn
If I had a unicorn

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