Collection: Fotografie

Kráse správně vytištěné fotografie se obrazovka nikdy nevyrovná. Neustále pro vás proto vybíráme tzv. coffee-table books, které svým zpracováním tomuto uměleckému oboru vzdávají hold.


Showing 181 of 181 products



Showing 181 of 181 products

Showing 181 of 181 products
  • Bird
    A collection of the most beautiful and unusual contemporary photography of birdsFrom wild parrots in the streets of T...
    Běžná cena
    499 Kč
    499 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • An Opinionated Guide to Photography
    In a world of infinite images here is a guide to 65 of the best ever taken. From early experiments with light and for...
    Běžná cena
    245 Kč
    245 Kč
    Běžná cena
    490 Kč
  • Synthetic Eye: Photography Transformed in the Age of AI
    A revelatory glimpse into the future of photography, one where the very nature of how images are created is fundament...
    Běžná cena
    640 Kč
    640 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Letizia Battaglia (Bilingual edition)
    Letizia Battaglia is the catalogue published on the occasion of the monographic exhibition open to the public from Oc...
    Běžná cena
    1 390 Kč
    1 390 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Chronology of Film
    A fresh take on the history of film, using timelines to trace its development from the earliest moving images to now....
    Běžná cena
    640 Kč
    640 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Portugal: The Monocle Handbook
    From the team at Monocle, the first in a new series of practical travel guides.Following in the footsteps of the huge...
    Běžná cena
    1 240 Kč
    1 240 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Salgado - Genesis
    The companion volume to the world’s best attended photo show Sebastião Salgado’s masterpiece Genesis is the result o...
    Běžná cena
    2 290 Kč
    2 290 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Japan 1900. A Portrait in Color
    The Golden Age of Travel neatly overlaps with the reign of the Emperor Meiji, which began in 1868 with the overthrow ...
    Běžná cena
    1 990 Kč
    1 990 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Genesis
    Sebastião Salgado’s haunting black-and-white photographs from the GENESIS project record landscapes and people uncha...
    Běžná cena
    449 Kč
    449 Kč
    Běžná cena
    0 Kč
  • Massimo Listri. The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries. 40th Anniversary Edition
    Bibliophiles, rejoice! In this rapturous photographic journey, Massimo Listri travels to some of the oldest and fine...
    Běžná cena
    749 Kč
    749 Kč
    Běžná cena
  • Chile
    Chile stretches along the Pacific coast of South America, west of the Andes, and is the longest country in the world...
    Běžná cena
    320 Kč
    320 Kč
    Běžná cena
    399 Kč
  • Pražské metro
    Pražské metro nemělo být jen dopravním prostředkem. Před 50 lety se díky této stavbě pod městem otevřel prostor s pot...
    Běžná cena
    1 499 Kč
    1 499 Kč
    Běžná cena

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