Grand Hotel of Feelings

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269 Kč
269 Kč
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All kinds of guests check in and out of the Grand Hotel of Feelings. Some are fun and some are tricky, but all are welcome!

Welcome to the Grand Hotel of Feelings, where all kinds of feelings come and stay. Every guest has unique needs. Anger is very loud and needs plenty of space to scream and shout. Sadness speaks in a small voice and occasionally floods the bathroom. Anxiety takes many shapes and loves the spotlight.

Some feelings are big and some are small, some are fun and some are tricky, but all feelings must be listened to and acknowledged. After all, they’re just passing through.

This beautiful and imaginative title is much loved by readers young and old and has been translated into 22 languages. This is a new paperback edition.
A 2025 Read for Empathy Collection title

Shortlisted for the English 4-11 Picture Book Awards 2024
'An accessible entry into discussions on the complexity of feelings, this picture book will be returned to time and time again.' – Foreword Starred Review


'What I particularly like is that it not only names a wide range of emotions, but it also promotes that idea that all emotions are normal and welcome; that uncomfortable feelings don’t need to be pushed to the backs of our minds, and sometimes we might just need to sit with them a while. The Grand Hotel of Feelings would lend itself brilliantly to a wide range of curriculum-based activities, including PSHE, literacy, DT, art, and even music.' - Jo Cummins, Teach Primary Magazine

'And this is the absolute beauty of this book: the clear message is that all feelings are valid and that all need to be allowed to be felt. Such an important teaching for children (and adults actually!) that it’s okay to feel things that may be uncomfortable or that we may have been led to believe are ‘bad’ or ‘shameful’. Perfect for small-group or 1-1 discussion, especially for children experiencing emotional dysregulation and struggling to understand or articulate how they are feeling.' - The Literacy Tree

About the Author

Lidia Brankovic graduated from FH-Potsdam in 2022. She takes inspiration from her hometown Berlin, its people and its culture. When she's not painting or writing, she enjoys dancing, meditating and taking long walks. The Grand Hotel of Feelings is her first book, and emerges from her own journeys through and with emotional turbulence.
Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 32
Formát: 20,5 x 29,1 cm
Rok vydání: 2025

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Grand Hotel of Feelings
Grand Hotel of Feelings
Grand Hotel of Feelings
Grand Hotel of Feelings
Grand Hotel of Feelings

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