When the Parents Change, Everything Changes - Paul Dix

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Your own behaviour is the only behaviour over which you have absolute control. To change your children's behaviour, you first need to change your own.

Here, Britain's leading behaviour expert reveals how we get children's behaviour wrong - and how to get it right. Drawing on a method tried and tested in over 100,000 classrooms, he shows that the only way to change what your child does is by first changing what 
you do. He explains why punishing your way to a life without tantrum-prone toddlers/sulking teenagers is a fool's errand - and how to instead grow new behaviours with love. And he reveals why a positive, relational, consistent approach to parenting is 1,000 times more powerful than any Xbox, Disneyland trip or cold, hard cash bribe that money can buy.

Filled with practical tools and relatable case studies, Paul Dix's method will turn your home into a behavioural nirvana. It is not just a list of punishments and rewards. It is so much more useful than that.


This book is an absolute game-changer. Paul manages to impart practical wisdom about our behaviour as parents - and how small changes have huge impacts - without ever sounding preachy. I laughed, nodded, winced a few times and most importantly felt inspired to make slow, incremental changes to how we do things in our house. Warm, funny and extraordinarily helpful. A must-read for anyone who looks after children. -- SARAH TURNER, aka The Unmumsy Mum

In this fantastic book Paul empowers us parents to put our energy and focus where we can have the most influence: over our own behaviour. With wit and warmth, he teaches us the most miraculous thing - that when we change, our children change too. This is a book every parent needs to read. -- Zoe Blaskey, creator of Motherkind

Many of us have children. Not enough of us truly parent. In this transformative book, Paul Dix offers a simple method to revolutionise the culture in your home - one that will change your children's behaviour and yours. He gets it: the most important part of high performance is high-performance parenting, and this book shows you how to get there. -- Jake Humphrey, author of High Performance

A highly practical, down-to-earth, well-reasoned book. It would enrich the parenting of anyone. -- Barry Carpenter OBE, Professor of Mental Health in Education, Oxford Brookes University

Paul Dix has an approach that I love: he understands that when you see a child differently, you see a different child. For years he has been passionate about supporting teachers and children in the classroom, and in this brilliant book he shares his valuable insights to support families too. -- KATE SILVERTON, author of No Such Thing as 'Naughty'

About the Author

After countless attempts to sabotage his own education, Paul Dix miraculously went on to train at Homerton College, Cambridge, before going on to work as a teacher at some of Britain's most challenging urban schools.

Over the next three decades, Paul would develop a unique approach to behaviour change - one rooted in the calm consistency of the adults. After outlining his method in the bestselling When the Adults Change, Everything Changes, it became a word-of-mouth phenomenon among teachers and has now been drawn upon in over 150,000 classrooms worldwide.

When, in 2002, Paul became a dad, he began to wonder whether his behaviour change method might just work for parents too. Now, for the first time, Paul introduces his findings to the most important audience of all: parents.




Rok vydání: 2023
Počet stran: 208
Formát: 13,4 x 21,4 cm / paperback


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When the Parents Change, Everything Changes - Paul Dix

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