The Hole - Hiroko Oyamada

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429 Kč
429 Kč
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A woman moves to live with her in-laws in the Japanese countryside in this haunting and surreal novel featuring a mysterious relative, an elusive hairy creature, and lots of strange holes - from the author of Weasels in the Attic

'As I tried to move, I realized how narrow the hole really was. The hole felt as though it was exactly my size - a trap made just for me'

When Asa's husband is offered a new job away from the city, the couple end up relocating. And since his new office is very close to his family's home, it makes sense to move in next door to his parents. Through the long hot summer, Asa does her best to adjust to their new rural lives, to the constant presence of her in-laws, to the emptiness of her existence and the incessant buzz of cicadas. And then one day, while running an errand for her mother-in-law, she comes across a strange creature, follows it to the embankment of a river, and ends up falling into a hole - a hole that seems to have been made specifically for her.

Thus begins a series of bizarre experiences that drives Asa deeper into the mysteries of this rural landscape and the family she has married in to, leading her to question her role in this world and, eventually, who she even is.


A great book -- Patti Smith

Surreal and mesmerizing ― 
New York Times

A haunting and transformative work of fiction -- Laura van den Berg

A rare literary page-turner -- Monique Truong

About the Author

Born in Hiroshima in 1983, HIROKO OYAMADA a is the author of two novellas: The Factory, which won the Shincho Prize for New Writers, and The Hole, which won Japan's prestigious Akutagawa Prize. Oyamada has also written numerous short stories and essays.



Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 96
Formát: 13,5 x 20,6 cm
Rok vydání: 2024

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The Hole - Hiroko Oyamada

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