Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories

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890 Kč
890 Kč
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"Su has written a beautiful account of how food can help rebuild culture from treasured memories, how it conveys love and connection, and how it can ground us when we feel untethered. The recipes are totally tantalising - and thanks to Su's guidance, entirely achievable even for novices." - Tim Anderson

"A book of belonging. Food as a love letter to family. Writing as delicious as the recipes." - Allan Jenkins, Observer Food Monthly

Rice Table | bap sang is a collection of 80 recipes showcasing modern, Korean home cooking.

A Korean living in the UK, Su Scott was thrown into a crisis of identity when motherhood dawned, one which she only found her way out of by cooking the dishes of her Korean childhood, seeking out the flavours and textures of memories that she hopes to pass on to her daughter.

Within this intimate cookbook, Su guides you through her modern Korean larder, explores the ferments, pickles and sauces that lift Korean dishes to delicious heights and shares a comforting array of recipes, from Korean Fried Chicken and Kimchi Fried Rice, to Spicy Seafood Noodle Soup. Littered between enticing plates are tender stories of what it means to be a woman, mother and immigrant all at once and how food connects all the pieces of our lives to make us whole.

This is a love letter from mother to daughter woven together by food. It's a book about identity and immigration. It's about how the food you feed your children builds a story about their heritage. But it's mainly a book about wonderful food - the kind of food we all want to eat right now.



  •  Hardback | 240 pages
  •  187 x 248 x 29.21mm | 1,010g

Doprava zdarma pro objednávky nad 2 000 Kč.

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Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories
Rice Table - Korean Recipes & Stories

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