New York New York

Běžná cena
690 Kč
690 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

The photographer Richard Koek is a visual storyteller with a gift for being in the right place at the right time. For this book, he turns his gaze to the people and streetscapes of New York, capturing the diversity and energy of the city that inspires so many to come here to realise their dreams. These are photos of real New Yorkers, night and day, at work and at play, in their neighbourhoods, at their jobs, and on the street. The city itself, from glass fronted buildings to sidewalk food stands, reflects the tenacity and spirit of the people who call the Big Apple home.

“Richard has a unique eye for the still astonishing diversity of New Yorkers, natives or transplants. A transplant himself, there's no denying the power of Richard's personal vision of the city he has made his home. His evident talent and the works' singularity speak for themselves."
- Julia Gruen, Executive Director, Keith Haring Foundation, New York

About the Author

Born and raised in the Netherlands by his Argentinian mother, internationally acclaimed photographer Richard Koek now lives in New York City. He began his career with assignments at the New York Times and Stern Magazine, and regularly works for Der Bild, the Dutch Embassy, corporations, and non-profit organisations. He describes his pictures as pure reflections of his belief that people are the epitome of the world around them, while the world is the epitome of the people who share it.


Format: Hardcover
Number Of Pages: 256
Published: 6th September 2021
Dimensions (cm): 28.12 x 21.54  x 2.82


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New York New York
New York New York
New York New York
New York New York
New York New York

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