How To Love Better Yung Pueblo

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540 Kč
540 Kč
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The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Lighter offers a blueprint for deepening your compassion, kindness and gratitude so you can truly grow in harmony with another person and build stronger connections in all your relationships.

'Personal transformation that is grounded in self-love and has greater inner peace as the goal will naturally teach you how to love better. Seeing yourself clearly opens the door to compassion for yourself and for other people.'

Love enters our lives in many forms: friends, family, intimate partners. But all of these relationships are deeply influenced by the love we have for ourselves. If we see our relationships as opportunities to be fully present in our healing and learn to love one another better, then, Yung Pueblo assures us, we can transform and meet one another with compassion instead of judgment.

How to Love Better, Yung Pueblo examines all aspects of relationships, from the rose-coloured early days when you may be hesitant to show your full self, to the challenges that can arise without clear communication, to dealing with heartbreak and healing as you close a chapter of your life. The power of looking inward remains at the core of Yung Pueblo’s teachings. Ego and attachment can become barriers in a relationship, so the more self-aware you become, the more you can support both your partner and yourself.

Yung Pueblo’s insights on embracing change, building a foundation of honesty, and learning to listen selflessly will resonate regardless of where you are in your healing journey. And his unique combination of poetry, personal experience and thoughtful advice will help you grow and strengthen all of your relationships.


This book is a beautiful offering from the heart, to the heart. I read through it in one quiet sitting, feeling its wisdom fill my spirit with hope that – after all the difficulties that relationships can bring – love (when blended with grace) can and will prevail. ― Elizabeth Gilbert, New York Times bestselling author of Eat, Pray, Love

I am a huge fan of Yung Pueblo. He has a unique ability to offer the perfect words to capture the feelings, insights and lessons we need to feel, see and hear. 
How to Love Better is no exception. In it, Yung Pueblo holds a mirror to the relationships we have and offers clear directions to the relationships we desire. I’m so glad this book exists! ― Simon Sinek, New York Times bestselling author of The Infinite Game and host of the podcast A Bit of Optimism

Get ready to underline and highlight so many pages of this beautiful book. In the time we are living in today, we are all on a growth journey. I always say the hardest part is showing up. Yung Pueblo serves as an unpretentious and pertinent guide for how to participate compassionately in your own growth, lean into your healing era and set yourself up to be of service to others. ― 
Adriene Mishler, creator of Yoga with Adriene, artist and actor

How to Love Better is destined to change your life. Yung Pueblo is determined to help us understand that true love starts within. A lot of us are looking outside of ourselves for our happily ever after. But this book reminds us that happiness is not the goal; peace is. ― Lena Waithe, Emmy Award–winning writer, producer and actor

Each of us must understand our own needs and our wants to build a healthy, loving relationship. Yung Pueblo challenges us to grow separately and alongside our partners.
 How to Love Better, with its focus on our individual healing and shared contributions in relationships, along with Yung Pueblo’s vulnerability in sharing his own story, is the guide we need as we navigate life and love. ― Jillian Turecki, author of It Begins with You and host of the podcast Jillian on Love

In a world that often pulls us outward, 
How to Love Better reminds us to journey within. I used to see solitude as isolating, but now I understand it as a powerful form of self-discovery. In this transformative book, Yung Pueblo guides readers to understand that deep, authentic connections start from cultivating a loving relationship with oneself. This book speaks to the courage of self-love as the foundation of all relationships. ― Tia Mowry, actor and author of the Whole New You

About the Author

Diego Perez is a meditator and #1 New York Times bestselling author who is widely known by his pen name, Yung Pueblo. Online he has an audience of over 4 million people. His writing focuses on the power of self-healing, creating healthy relationships and the wisdom that comes when we truly work on knowing ourselves. He has sold over 1.5 million print books worldwide that have been translated into over 25 languages. Diego is a general partner at Wisdom Ventures and a founder of Ready Platform, a dating and relationship support app.



Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 352
Formát: 14,3 x 22,2 cm
Rok vydání: 2025

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How To Love Better Yung Pueblo

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