History of the World in 500 Maps

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1 090 Kč
1 090 Kč
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Trace the history of the world in over 500 easy-to-follow maps, from the dawn of humanity to the present day.

Organized chronologically, A History of the World in 500 Maps tells a clear, linear story, bringing together themes as diverse as religion, capitalism, warfare, geopolitics, popular culture and climate change. Meticulously rendered maps chart the sequence of broad historical trends, from the dispersal of our species across the globe to the colonizing efforts of imperial European powers in the 18th century, as well as exploring moments of particular significance in rich detail.

  • Visualizes 7 million years of human history.
  • Analyses cities and kingdoms as well as countries and continents.
  • Features major technical developments, from the invention of farming in the Fertile Crescent to the Industrial Revolution.
  • Charts the spread of major global religions, including Christianity and Islam.
  • Explores the increasing interconnectivity of our world through exploration and trade.
  • Investigates warfare and battles from across the ages, from Alexander the Great's conquests to the D-Day offensive.

About the Authors

Christian Grataloup is a specialist in geohistorical research and Professor Emeritus at Paris Diderot University. He has written or contributed to numerous books and atlases about world history.

Patrick Boucheron is a historian and professor at the College de France. He has been a member of the scientific committee of the popular French history magazine L'Histoire since 1999 and has written numerous books on global history and the history of the Middle Ages in particular.

Legendes Cartography has produced the maps for the magazine L'Histoire as well as many atlases and textbooks for over two decades.




Format: Hardcover
Number Of Pages: 656
Published: 13th July 2023
Dimensions (cm): 24.0 x 17.0


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History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps
History of the World in 500 Maps

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