Fashion Yearbook 2023

Běžná cena
1 690 Kč
1 690 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného
  • The best of the international fashion scene from the last year
  • Impressive images of the fashion series, covers and campaigns, accompanied by expert assessment
  • Top-class jury
  • A unique overview of the global fashion year

The international fashion world is creative, expressive and impressive. And it is always fast moving. This book is devoted to the best fashion series and photos of the international fashion world of 2022.

A jury of international experts selects from a worldwide selection of the best editorials, covers and campaigns and makes the awards. Additionally, the creative people behind the scenes, such as photographers, stylists, models and make-up artists, are presented in detail. 
The Fashion Yearbook 2023 comprehensively includes the fashion highlights and their actors in an impressive illustrated book and is thus a unique standard work in the fashion industry.


About the Author

Julia Zirpel has more than 20 years’ experience as a fashion editor and director of magazines such as Interview Germany, Myself and Cosmopolitan Germany. Based in Munich, Julia is the co-founder of the sustainable fashion e-commerce platform and has established herself as a freelance sustainability, creative and content consultant.
Fiona Hayes is a designer, art director and university lecturer with three decades of international experience in publishing, art, luxury retail and fashion. A former art director of ten magazines, including Russian Vogue and GQ India, she has been involved in the launch of 14 titles for Condé Nast. She is currently based in London.

Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 240
Formát: 24 x 30 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

Doprava zdarma pro objednávky nad 2 000 Kč.

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Zásilkovnu můžete využít pro vyzvednutí z parcell shopů, AlzaBoxů, nebo Z-boxů ve svém okolí.

Kurýr GLS doručí objednávky druhý pracovní den v případě, že objednáte do 14. hodiny.

Expresní doručení do 2 hodin je dostupné na všech pražských a brněnských adresách. Objednávku odešleme během pracovní doby obchodů.

S každým speciálním přáním nebo otázkou nás určitě kontaktujte. Vždy uděláme maximum, abyste byli spokojení a svou knihu dostali, když ji potřebujete. Sami to známe :-)


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Fashion Yearbook 2023
Fashion Yearbook 2023
Fashion Yearbook 2023
Fashion Yearbook 2023
Fashion Yearbook 2023

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