Warhol: The Textiles

Běžná cena
1 290 Kč
1 290 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

The first publication devoted to the textile designs of one of the twentieth century’s greatest artists, showcasing a rarely discussed aspect of the Pop Art superstar’s career
Andy Warhol (1928–1987), a giant of twentieth century art, is known to most people for his iconic images of soup cans, Coke bottles, and Marilyn Monroe. Before his meteoric rise to fame in the early 1960s as a Pop Art superstar, Warhol was a highly successful commercial artist in New York.
The late Matt Wrbican, former chief archivist of the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, once said “there are very few stories left to tell about Warhol, but textiles is one of them”. This is the first book devoted to the commercial textile designs of this leading figure in the history of art. With stunning new photography throughout, including unpublished images of newly discovered textiles, the book sheds new light on a previously undocumented but important aspect of Warhol’s oeuvre.
Featuring over 30 different textiles, from ice cream sundaes to acrobatic clowns, 
Warhol: The Textiles offers a unique record of the beginnings of one of the twentieth century’s greatest artists.
Published in association with the Fashion and Textile Museum
Exhibition Schedule:
Fashion and Textile Museum, London
(March 31–September 10, 2023)


"A new exhibition at the Fashion and Textile Museum in London, together with a book by the curators, . . . showcase for the first time Warhol's lost and virtually undocumented designs for dress fabric, which the artist produced in New York during the booming postwar years."--Helen Barrett, Financial Times


About the Author

Geoffrey Rayner and Richard Chamberlain are independent gallery owners, researchers, curators, and authors. 



Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 168
Formát: 21,8 x 27,2 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles
Warhol: The Textiles

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