Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Pattern and Abstractions

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How to thrive as a visual thinker in a verbal world by celebrated author, academic and autism-rights activist Temple Grandin

'Grandin has helped us understand autism not just as a phenomenon, but as a different but coherent mode of existence that otherwise confounds us' The New York Times

Do you think in pictures, patterns or words?

In a world engineered for the verbal thinker, those of us who with a visual brain can often be overlooked and underestimated. In this landmark book, bestselling author of The Autistic Brain Temple Grandin delves into the world of the visual thinker and reveals the hidden powers of this remarkable ability.

Drawing on the latest research and her own experience as a visual thinker, Grandin reveals how our modern structures from education and health through to politics and media are biased towards the dominant verbal thinkers and in turn under serve those of us who see the world differently. This is a perspective shifting book that will open your mind to the value of a life in picture.

About the Author

Temple Grandin is one of the world's most accomplished and well known adults with autism. She has a PhD in animal science from the University of Illinois and is a professor at Colorado State University. She is the author of six books, including bestsellers Thinking in Pictures and The Autistic Brain. Dr. Grandin lectures to parents and teachers throughout the U.S. on her experiences with autism, and her work has been covered in the New York Times, People, National Public Radio, and 20/20. She was also honored in Time Magazine's 2010 "The 100 Most Influential People in the World." The HBO movie based on her life, starring Claire Danes, received seven Emmy Awards.



Published: 18th October 2022

Format: Paperback

Number of Pages: 288

Dimensions (cm): 22 x 14 x 3


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Visual Thinking: The Hidden Gifts of People Who Think in Pictures, Pattern and Abstractions

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