Unforgettable Journeys The Americas

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749 Kč
749 Kč
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Take the scenic route through the Americas

When it comes to unforgettable travel experiences, journeys through the Americas top our bucket list. Imagine a road trip across the US, cruising along the Amazon, or taking an epic train ride through the Canadian Rockies. Across this beautiful landmass, it's the journey, rather than the destination, that's always mattered the most.

Featuring over 150 inspirational entries, 
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas is a vibrant celebration of taking the scenic route. We've picked the best adventures across the Americas, from soaking up the oceanside scenery on a drive along the Pacific Coast Highway to sailing between sandy islands in the Caribbean. Of course, the big-hitters are covered - hiking the mammoth Appalachian Trail, driving along the iconic Route 66, and cruising past icy glaciers in Alaska and the Inside Passage - but we also take you off-the-beaten path, roaming Guyana's Kaieteur Falls, kayaking through Canada's Nahanni River, and navigating the twisting corners of the Hana Highway in Hawaii. We've organized the book by types of transport, so whether you're an avid hiker, cyclist or driver, or love to be on the water or on the rails, we've got you covered. It's time to take the slow road and truly appreciate all the Americas have to offer.

About the Author

Experience the world with DK Eyewitness.

DK Eyewitness' highly visual guides show you what others only tell you, with easy-to-read maps, tips and tours to inform and enrich your trip.

Our travel writers report on what to see, eat, drink and do around the world, while the very best photographs and illustrations bring cities, regions and countries to life. We publish guides to more than 200 destinations around the world, from handy pocket-sized city guides to comprehensive country guides.

DK is the world's leading illustrated reference publisher, producing beautifully designed books for adults and children in over 120 countries.



Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 256
Formát: 22,2 x 26,3 cm
Rok vydání: 2024

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Unforgettable Journeys The Americas
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas
Unforgettable Journeys The Americas

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