The Wolfpack Years, 20 years of top cycling and winning

Běžná cena
1 490 Kč
1 490 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

 The best images from the past 20 years of the Belgian cycling phenomenon, Quick-Step (aka Wolfpack)


• Take a look behind the scenes of Patrick Lefevere's award-winning cycling team


• Includes in-depth interviews with key players on the team


Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl was founded in 2003. Twenty years later, the team consists of 31 talented cyclists from 10 different countries. Under the leadership of CEO Patrick Lefevere, the team became one of the most successful ones in cycling history. In 2010, Czech businessman Zdenek Bakala joined the squad. They have won more than 800 UCI races, including 20 Monuments, more than 50 national titles, 6 world titles on the road, 6 world titles in the individual time trial, 4 world titles team time trial, 2 World Cups, 2 European titles and an Olympic title. This book is an overview of the most exciting highlights of 20 years of the Wolfpack, with fantastic photos from the archive and interviews with the key players.


Dimensions: 23.22 x 4.01 x 28.32 cm
Hardcover, 448 pages
Publication date: 27 Mar. 2023

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The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning
The Wolfpack Years,  20 years of top cycling and winning

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