The New Rural, Interiors within Nature

Běžná cena
495 Kč
495 Kč
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990 Kč
Včetně daní a balného

Back to the country. This is the option of the “new rural”, a way of life that has come to stay, paradoxically possible thanks to technology, the Internet and remote working. We are living at a time when the city is becoming congested and does not satisfy us at all, due to costs, square meters, and various sacrifices that result in a poorer quality of life. In the urban world, going to the countryside has always been an ideal escape to the good life, and today it is more possible than ever. The New Rural shows the interior design of some thirty houses in various rural environments - new houses, converted spaces or rehabilitations which ensure maximum comfort for their inhabitants without giving up the comforts of modern life while making the most of the close link with nature.


About the Author

Daniela Santos Quartino is a freelance journalist and an architecture and interior design editor. She was awarded her degree in Communications Sciences and Journalism in Uruguay. She is currently working as an architecture and interior design editor at Loft Publications, and as a journalist for various magazines.

Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 280
Formát: 25 x 29 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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The New Rural, Interiors within Nature
The New Rural, Interiors within Nature
The New Rural, Interiors within Nature
The New Rural, Interiors within Nature
The New Rural, Interiors within Nature
The New Rural, Interiors within Nature
The New Rural, Interiors within Nature

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