The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard Restak

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349 Kč
349 Kč
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Memory gets worse with age - right? A fact of life. But what if we told you that wasn't necessarily true? That memory decline 
isn't inevitable.

The Complete Guide to Memory, renowned neurologist and bestselling author Dr Richard Restak distils the wisdom of an entire career into a one-stop guide to the science of memory. Drawing on cutting-edge neuroscience, case studies, famous anecdotes and more, he offers tips and tricks for anyone who wants to strengthen their memory, protect themselves from diseases like Alzheimer's and think smarter.

Learn how to boost your memory through techniques like:

-Mind mapping and making lists
-Reading more novels than non-fiction
-'Chunking' several pieces of information together to make them easier to remember
-Choosing manual methods over technological solutions like phones and GPS

Packed full of information for anyone curious about the power of their memory, this is the only guide you need to train your memory and make it stronger.


[A] comprehensive compendium of everything we know about memory and how we might improve it. ― New Scientist

Our memory defines both who we are and who we think we are. Memory makes us human and explains why one of our greatest fears is the cruel loss of memory associated with dementia and Alzheimer's disease. 
In this wonderfully lucid and erudite book Richard Restak explains the varied nature of memory, how we can enhance our memory, why memory fails, and the action of aids, that may or may not, enhance our memory. I recommend this book as an essential read for anybody interested in knowing what it is to be human. ― Russell Foster, Professor of Circadian Neuroscience, University of Oxford and bestselling author of Life Time

Thought provoking .... Tips its hat at some very big ideas ― The Times

Drawing on relevant scientific findings, as well as practical wisdom dating back to ancient times, 
Richard Restak has written a fine and comprehensive book about human memory. Whether you are a cognitive scientist, an interested student, a worried elder, or simply a curious reader, you are likely to marvel at and possibly enhance your mnemonic skills. ― Howard Gardner, Hobbs Research Professor of Cognition and Education, Harvard University

About the Author

Dr Richard Restak is Clinical Professor of Neurology at George Washington University and was previously President of the American Neuropsychiatric Association. He has lectured on the brain and behaviour at the Pentagon and NASA, and written more than 20 books on the human brain, two of which have been New York Times bestsellers.


Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 208
Formát: 12,8 x 19,6 cm
Rok vydání: 2024

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The Complete Guide to Memory - Richard Restak

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