Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks

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749 Kč
749 Kč
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With over 300 styles and including all the essential trends and brands, this is the ultimate sneaker handbook.

This fifth edition of features a completely up to date anthology of sneakers, exploring new technologies and designs as well as continuing to embrace the old classics.

Sneakers haven't been considered the tools of exclusively sportsmen and women in a long time. From the runway to the track, sneakers have crept their way firmly into our lives and it looks like they're here to stay. Now in its fifth edition, this comprehensive and highly illustrated edition of Sneakers spans over 300 shoes, while also giving advice on shoe care and maintenance.

This anthology pays homage to the cultural phenomenon that is the sneaker, from Adidas Superstars to Nike Air Max. With over 600 high quality photographs, Sneakers explores some of the world's most iconic shoes and the incredible stories behind them.


About the Author

Neal Heard is a sneaker enthusiast and vintage dealer who has been collecting and dealing since the early 90s. He now owns his own fashion label, Lover's F.C. and has been the director of vintage clothing firm and cult clothing brand White Riot. In 2017, he published his second book The Football Shirts Book: The Connoisseur's Guide, firmly establishing him as an authority on athleisure wear.

Rok vydání: 2022
Počet stran: 480
Formát: 22,6 x 14,5 cm, hardcover

Doprava zdarma pro objednávky nad 2 000 Kč.

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Expresní doručení do 2 hodin je dostupné na všech pražských a brněnských adresách. Objednávku odešleme během pracovní doby obchodů.

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Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks
Sneakers: Over 300 classics from rare vintage to the latest kicks

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