Redouté: The Book of Flowers

Běžná cena
895 Kč
895 Kč
Běžná cena
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Celebrate “the Raphael of flowers,” Pierre-Joseph Redouté. This elegant catalogue gathers all engravings from his masterful volumes Roses and Selection of the Most Beautiful Flowers, alongside the most astounding pieces from The Lilies. Astonishing with his admixture of accuracy and beauty, Redouté transports the reader to the magnificent greenhouses and gardens of a bygone Paris.

French flower painter Pierre-Joseph Redouté (1759–1840) devoted himself exclusively to capturing the diversity of flowering plants in watercolor paintings which were then published as copper engravings, with careful botanical descriptions. The darling of wealthy Parisian patrons including Napoleon’s wife Josephine, he was dubbed “the Raphael of flowers,” and is regarded to this day as a master of botanical illustration.

This elegant catalogue brings together all engravings from Redouté’s illustrations of Roses and Choix des plus belles fleurs (Selection of the Most Beautiful Flowers) and the most astounding images from The Lilies. Offering a vibrant overview of Redouté’s admixture of accuracy and beauty, it is also a privileged glimpse into the magnificent gardens and greenhouses of a bygone Paris.

The author

H. Walter Lack is a Professor at the Free University of Berlin and former Director of the Botanical Gardens and Botanical Museum in Berlin-Dahlem. A leading expert in the history of botany, his research focuses on the global transfer of useful and ornamental plants from a cultural historical perspective. He is the author of TASCHEN’s Garden of Eden and The Book of Palms.

Release date: 2018
Format: 25 x 34,5 cm
Features: hardcover, 608 pages

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Redouté: The Book of Flowers
Redouté: The Book of Flowers
Redouté: The Book of Flowers
Redouté: The Book of Flowers
Redouté: The Book of Flowers
Redouté: The Book of Flowers
Redouté: The Book of Flowers

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