Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall

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940 Kč
940 Kč
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Elevate your cooking and eating the easy way with The Italian Pantry.

World-renowned chef Theo Randall shares his 10 pantry staples and reveals his favourite ways to cook with them through 100 fabulous recipes covering Tomatoes, Porcini Mushrooms, Parmesan, Lemons, Leafy Greens, Ricotta, Polenta, Pine nuts, Honey and Breadcrumbs. From simple pasta dishes and more extravagant dinners for when you have people over, to delectable desserts and classic Italian cakes, you’ll delight in Theo’s take on the very best of Italian home cooking.

Packed with flavour and stunning photography, this is an essential cookbook and a modern take on the best of Italian ingredients.


"Chef Theo Randall transforms 10 precious Italian pantry staples like porcini mushrooms and polenta into 100 eye-catching, mouthwatering recipes made both simple and celebratory through detailed guidance and a streamlined approach." - Jacqueline Raposo, Epicurious


About the Author

Theo Randall started working at the River Café in 1989. After a brief stint at Chez Panisse under Alice Waters, he returned to London to take up the role of Head Chef at the River Café, and remained there for 15 years. He left in 2006 to launch his first restaurant, Theo Randall at the Intercontinental, which now has two more locations in Hong Kong and Bangkok. Theo has appeared on Saturday Kitchen on numerous occasions, Masterchef, Sunday Brunch, Lorraine, Chef's Protégé, and My Kitchen Rules. He also works with high-profile brands including Natoora, Coco Di Mama and Ask Italian. He has written two previous cookbooks, Pasta and My Simple Italian.

Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 256
Formát: 17,4 x 25,3 cm
Rok vydání: 2022

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Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall
Italian Pantry: Showcasing the Best of Italian Home Cooking - Theo Randall

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