I'm a Fan

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329 Kč
329 Kč
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An exhilarating, addictive take on obsession, race, gender and power dynamics through the lens of a corrosive relationship

I'M A FAN tells the story of an unnamed narrator's involvement in a seemingly unequal romantic relationship. With a clear and unforgiving eye, Sheena Patel makes startling connections between power struggles at the heart of human relationships to those in the wider world, offering a devastating critique of social media, access and patriarchal systems.


A fast, fizzing cherry bomb of a debut... mining the darkest depths of coercion, seduction and abuser dynamics... Like a sociopathic ex who's stalking your Twitter, I'M A FAN will stick with you for a very long time ― Observer

Like Pop Rocks in your mouth. Burnt coffee on your tongue. Frostbitten fingers. It's been a long while since my heart raced over the prospect of turning a page in a book. Sheena Patel is an evil genius of a writer -- CHLOE CALDWELL

Pure fire from start to finish. Sheena Patel is the future -- Niven Govinden, author of Diary of a Film

A brutal, brilliant debut... The desperate, cornered strength of the narrative voice in I'M A FAN is like nothing else I've read ― Guardian

Mesmerising, powerful, and finely observed -- Olivia Sudjic, author of Asylum Road

Exhilarating, disturbing... Race, class and privilege are mercilessly deconstructed ― Financial Times

Digs its nails deep into the contradictions of power and status with a brutally steady gaze. It's rare to find a book so thrillingly unafraid to offend, so willing to forgo niceties, so full of verve and bristling with insight -- Alexandra Kleeman, author of You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine

I'm a Fan digs its nails deep into the contradictions of power and status with a brutally steady gaze. It's rare to find a book so thrillingly unafraid to offend, so willing to forgo niceties, so full of verve and bristling with insight -- ALEXANDRA KLEEMAN

A blistering and dizzying journey into obsession, social media, race and class... Mercilessly sharp -- Sophie Mackintosh

An addictive, intensely interior debut. I blazed through this book... You'll cringe, you'll laugh, you'll want to burn it all down. A scathing ode to the psychos and shitheads -- Rachel Yoder

About the Author

Sheena Patel is a writer and assistant director for film and TV who was born and raised in North West London. She is part of the 4 BROWN GIRLS WHO WRITE collective, has been published in 4BROWN GIRLS WHO WRITE (Rough Trade Books) and a poetry collection of the same name (FEM Press). In 2022 she was chosen as one of the Observer's Top 10 best debut novelists.


Vazba: měkká
Počet stran: 144
Formát: 12,9 x 19,8 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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I'm a Fan

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