High On... Light + Architecture

Běžná cena
890 Kč
890 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

High On...Light + Architecture explores the role and use of light in and around modern buildings. This full colour book illustrates how a greater understanding of this intangible and free material leads to better architecture and improves our quality of life. It explains why light is so fundamental to human perception, how its nature and use are influenced by time and place and how it has come to be used as a tool for abstract architectural design. Drawing on centuries of thinking and over 30 international examples, the author explores the different ways that light can be harnessed and manipulated to achieve particular objectives, emotions or experiences, as well as how the technologies and techniques for doing so have developed over time.


About the Author


Manuela Kerkhoff has been active in the international book market for over twenty years. She first gained professional experience in New York and Munich as an editor with well-known publishers; in the licensing business; in worldwide distribution and in international co-productions. She successfully ran her own agency, International Licensing Agency, for thirteen years, with a focus on the development and international marketing of high-quality illustrated books and a passion especially for architecture and design. As a career changer in a completely new industry, she recently gained valuable insights into the architecture, design and construction industry as a public relations and acquisition consultant in an architecture firm.
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 336
Formát: 22,5 x 26 cm
Rok vydání: 2020

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High On... Light + Architecture
High On... Light + Architecture
High On... Light + Architecture
High On... Light + Architecture

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