Garden Style, Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus

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1 290 Kč
1 290 Kč
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Pick and choose from a wealth of stylish design ideas for all outdoor settings to create your own paradise.

Gardens have never been as important as they are today. The breadth of styles and types is hugely varied. Everything goes, whether inspired by the past or looking towards the future, from traditional vegetable plots to vertical gardens and from nature-filled designs to sleek, modernist creations. Choosing what suits your space can be a daunting prospect and everyone, even the professionals, needs help to realize opportunities and create outdoor spaces in tune with their personal needs and dreams. A garden is what we make it: there is no right or wrong way and each is unique.

Richly illustrated by the photos of award-winning photographer Marianne Majerus and with illuminating text by landscape architect Heidi Howcroft, this book shows what is possible for every type of garden, from challenging small spaces to expansive plots. Design tools are explained, planting styles explored, and inspiration is drawn from a wide variety of locations and climates to appeal to garden owners and designers everywhere.

The book is not only a companion to 
Garden Design: A Book of Ideas but is also a valuable style catalogue and sourcebook in its own right, encouraging and inspiring readers to discover their own garden style - be it contemporary or traditional, cottage-style or urban minimalist.

About the Author

Heidi Howcroft was educated in England and completed her professional training as a landscape architect in Germany, where she lived and worked for many years.In addition to design work she has curated exhibitions, writes as a columnist and is the author of over 30 books covering a wide range of garden topics. Based in Somerset, England, she works and travels throughout Europe and the USA, giving talks and leading tours to far-flung destinations in search of inspiring gardens.

Marianne Majerus is one of Europe's finest garden photographers. She works on commissions across the continent and her artistic and sensitive images are widely sought-after by publishers and private clients. She has won many awards, including International Garden Photographer of the Year, and has been named Photographer of the Year by the Garden Media Guild on several occasions. In 2018 she was named European Garden Photographer of the Year. She is a founding member of the Professional Garden Photographers' Association. She is the co-author, with Heidi Howcroft, of Garden Design: A Book of Ideas.



Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 320
Formát: 24,4 x 28,4 cm
Rok vydání: 2023

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Garden Style, Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus
Garden Style, Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus
Garden Style, Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus
Garden Style, Heidi Howcroft, Marianne Majerus

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