Compendium of the Occult

Běžná cena
599 Kč
599 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného

A beautifully presented directory of occult history and artefacts and an essential guide for anyone interested in the occult.

Explore the mysterious and fascinating world of the occult from ancient Egypt to London’s Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in the 19th century with this visual cabinet of curiosities.

Compendium of the Occult is divided into seven main sections: Ancient Origins, Divination, Ritual and Rites, Charms and Talismans, Curses and Hexes, Secret Societies and Sites of Significance. Each is packed with original manuscripts, sacred symbols and ritual objects to explore. Expert commentary on eclectic topics, ranging from Ancient Egyptian curses to the history of demonology, is further illuminated by excerpts from historical texts and a wide range of beautiful archive imagery.

Unearth the meaning of the world 'occult' and the differences between occultism and magic; discover arcane rituals and the belief systems behind them; and unlock the mysteries of ancient customs, sacred sites and secret societies.

About the Author

Liz Williams is based in Glastonbury, England, where she is co-director of a witchcraft supply business. She has a PhD from Cambridge in the History and Philosophy of Science, and is the author of several books, including Miracles of Our Own Making and Modern Handfasting. She has written for the Guardian on Paganism and also on the Philosophy of Science. She is the UK correspondent for US Pagan news site The Wild Hunt.



Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 256
Formát: 19,8 x 25,4 cm
Rok vydání: 2025

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Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult
Compendium of the Occult

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