Backable, Suneed Gupta

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449 Kč
449 Kč
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This remarkable book can be your secret weapon for bringing your idea to life.' DAN PINK, bestselling author of Drive

'Whether you want to get ahead inside a company or build a startup from the ground up, this fascinating book is a must-read.' REID HOFFMAN, co-founder of LinkedIn

'A super-readable and actionable look at how to make your ideas take flight. Whether you're pitching a brand new startup or an idea for your company's next product, you'll find a wealth of insights and stories throughout.'
MIKE KRIEGER, co-founder of Instagram

No one makes it alone. But there's a reason why some people can get investors or bosses to believe in them while others cannot. And that reason has little to do with experience, pedigree or a polished business plan. Backable people seem to have a hidden quality that inspires others to take action. We often chalk this up to natural talent or charisma . . . either you have 'it' or you don't.

After getting rejected by every investor he pitched, Suneel Gupta had a burning question: could 'it' be learned?

Drawing lessons from hundreds of the world's biggest thinkers, Suneel discovered how to pitch new ideas in a way that has raised millions of dollars, influenced large-scale change inside massive corporations, and even convinced his 8-year-old daughter to clean her room.

Inside the book are long-held secrets from producers of Oscar-winning films, venture capitalists, founders of unicorn-status startups, and executives at iconic companies like Lego, Method and Pixar. Suneel used these invaluable lessons to become the New York Stock Exchange's 'New Face of Innovation'.

Backable reveals how the key to success is not charisma, connections, or even your CV, but rather your ability to persuade others to take a chance on you. This groundbreaking book will show you how.


Rozměry: 232 x 150 x 22
Rok vydání: 2021
Počet stran: 288
Formát: Paperback / softback

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Backable, Suneed Gupta
Backable, Suneed Gupta

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