Assemblage The Art of the Room

Běžná cena
1 340 Kč
1 340 Kč
Běžná cena
Včetně daní a balného
Spaces, objects, artisans: discover the art of assemblage in twenty-four inspiring homes.

From furniture and fittings, to lighting choices, colour palettes and art curation, Shannon McGrath, one of Australia’s most acclaimed interiors photographers, opens her archive to reveal the details and layers that make up a room.

A house is not just a series of openings and closings but a curated collection of objects and belongings, from the architects who have built the spaces to the artisans and makers who have crafted the objects, and the owners who display them proudly. Grand or small, each gesture speaks across generations, adding layers of detail that bring a house to life.

Assemblage is a true celebration of the beauty of design and intentional curation, revealing that even the smallest of objects, and the way they are assembled, can make an extraordinary impact.


About the Author

Shannon McGrath is an award-winning interiors and architecture photographer with over twenty-five years’ experience, commissioned by pre-eminent architects and designers around Australia. Annie Reid is a senior design journalist, writer and author. She has written for over twenty years on design, architecture, property and sustainability with bylines in many leading newspapers and magazines around the world.
Vazba: pevná
Počet stran: 256
Formát: 24,3 x 31,6 cm
Rok vydání: 2025

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Assemblage The Art of the Room
Assemblage The Art of the Room
Assemblage The Art of the Room
Assemblage The Art of the Room
Assemblage The Art of the Room
Assemblage The Art of the Room

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