Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth

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1 090 Kč
1 090 Kč
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A striking collection of satellite images documenting human impact on the Earth--and how the Earth responds--from the creators of Overview and the Instagram sensation Daily Overview.

Change is Earth's most important and influential constant. From geological changes that take place over millennia, to the growth of civilization, to intense (and increasingly common) weather events exacerbated by a warming climate, the planet is constantly in flux. With areas viewed over various periods of time--days, months, and years--these changes become even more apparent, as does the scale and scope of human impact on Earth.

Overview Timelapse is a compelling photographic survey of the state of change on Earth today. With human activity driving this transformation faster than ever, visible signs can now be seen across the planet. Through its 250 mesmerizing images such as sprawling cities and the patterns created by decades of deforestation, this book offers a fresh perspective of change on Earth from a larger-than-life scale.


Release date: 2020
Format: 264 x 276 x 27.94 mm
Features: Full color, hardcover, 288 pages

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Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth
Overview Timelapse: How We Change the Earth

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