In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In

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453 Kč
453 Kč
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590 Kč
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Over the centuries, people have conceived clever ways to use numbers so that we can understand the world around us better, build cities, find our way home, and much more. In Great Numbers tells the story of this groundbreaking invention.

Numbers are so important in our daily lives. How else would we ask for three scoops of ice cream? Or know whether we’ve got 60 minutes left to play with our friends rather than 60 seconds? Why does a minute have 60 seconds anyway and not 100? Where does zero come from and what language do computers understand?

Numbers are everywhere! In Great Numbers will introduce children to the fascinating world of numbers and explains how they help us in our daily life. 1, 2, 3, go!


Authors: Isabel Thomas, Robert Klanten, Maria-Elisabeth Niebius and Raphael Honigstein
Release date: May 2020
Format: 24 × 28 cm
Features: Full color, hardcover, stitch bound, 64 pages 

Doprava zdarma pro objednávky nad 2 000 Kč.

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In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In
In Great Numbers: How Numbers Shape the World We Live In

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